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Sugat Media And Artist Association
The Sugat Media And Artist Association will serve the shared interests of news media publishers in the India and protect the general interests of its members in all political, legal and regulatory matters. It will promote the efficacy of newsbrands in all their forms as news and marketing media. It will be a source of information on industry issues of general concern to members. It will facilitate the sharing of best practice covering commercial, marketing and technical issues throughout the membership.

Please save tree save life .
JAN LAKSHYA SOCIETY NGO Trees are very useful in our life. Trees are our best friends. They play a very important role in our life. We can not live without them. They give us timber, paper and firewood. Trees also give us food, gum and medicine. They also add to the beauty of life. Gardens can not be charming without them. We need them for oxygen and good health Trees also help to control pollution: They absorb carbon dioxide. They improve our environment. They cause rainfall and protect water resources under the ground. They prevent floods and droughts Jan lakshya Society NGO Team working on it. Much of the wildlife on earth could not exist without trees. In addition to releasing oxygen into the air for animals to breathe, trees provide homes and food for many animals. Trees are also important because they provide shelter from the wind, aid in preventing soil erosion, and enrich the soil with their decaying leaves. Please save tree save life . Save paper save tree. Reduce paper uses. A video for save paper save tree share on our facebook page………..if u like please share…..

Sagarmala project aims at holistic port infrastructure development along the 7,500-km-long coastline through modernisation, mechanisation and computerisation. Under this port-led development framework government hopes to increase its cargo traffic three-fold in next 5 years. It will benefit around 14 per cent of country’s overall population from at least 13 States and Union Territories. If inland waterways programme is included in it will benefit at least 55 per cent of all population. Two ports Kandla (Gujarat) and Paradip (Odisha) are being developed into Green Smart Cities and the Government is eyeing at 4,500 rupees profit from ports this fiscal. At Navi Mumbai Special Economic Zone, government is investing 4,000 crore rupees which will provide employment to 1.5 lakh youth.

Happy Mother's Day 2016
A mother is someone who loves us so much that we sometimes can't understand it .A mother is someone who makes us realize how good we are that there is no one better than us.Her happiness is in our laughter and sorrow in our sorrow .She is someone we can't live without she is everything. By Adarsh kumar (President Jan Lakshya Society)

Save Child
• (1)-13,40,000 children below 5 die in a year, that is 3671 under 5 child deaths per day. • (2)-Nearly half of all child deaths under 5 in India are attributed to undernutrition. • (3)-1 in every 11 children in India is working, when they should be at school. • (4)-More than half (56%) of the under 5 deaths occur within the first 28 days of life, we work to prevent these lives • India accounts for more than 3 out of 10 stunted children in the world. • (5)-47% of the women in India are married when they are a child (before the age of 18), and 30% bear a child when they are a child (adolescent mothers). • (6)-17.7 million children and adolescents are out of school in India, this is 14% of world's population of children out of school. • 20% of grade 2 children in India cannot recognize numbers 1-9; 53% of children drop out of school at elementary level.

Happy New Year 2016
It's time to start over again:..with new pattern of thoughts... New wave of emotions...New connection to world... New belief in oneself... Let's welcome 2016 with joy n happiness.......Adarsh Kumar (President Jan Lakshya Society)

World Environment Day 2015: PM Modi plants Kadam tree sapling
New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today planted a Kadam tree at 7RCR on the occasion of World Environment Day to create awareness for environmentLast year he urged people to protect the environment and make it clean and green. World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated every year on 5th June throughout the world with different themes. It is celebrated across the globe to create awareness about the importance of protecting planet Earth and mother nature. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) calls on nations, encouraging them to do something positive for the environment on World Environment Day. The theme for this year’s WED is “Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care"..

Child Labour Bill
The Cabinet on Wednesday approved amendment in Child Labour Act which said children below 14 years can work in non-hazardous industries provided it is only during holidays or after school hours. The original Child Labour Law banned employment of children below 14 in only 18 hazardous industries. The amendments also make it clear that children between 14 and 18 years will also not be allowed to work in hazardous industries. The changes in the labour law also provide for stricter punishment for employers for violation. While there is no penalty provision for parents for the first offence, the employer would be liable for punishment even for the first violation. In case of parents, the repeat offenders may be penalised with a monetary fine up to Rs 10,000. In case of first offence, the penalty for employers has been increased up to two-and-half times from the existing Rs 20,000 to up to Rs 50,000 now. In case of a second or subsequent offence of employing any child or adolescent in contravention of the law, the minimum imprisonment would be one year which may extend to three years. Earlier, the penalty for second or subsequent offence of employing any child in contravention of the law was imprisonment for a minimum term of six months which may extend to two years. After the Cabinet approval, the government will move official amendments to the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2012 in Parliament. While child rights activists were opposed to the dilution saying it will promote child labour, those involved in business maintained that children need to be trained in traditional arts at an early stage or they will not be able to acquire the required skills like weaving and stitching. The age of prohibition of employment has been linked to age under Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009. Exceptions have, however, been made in case of works in which the child helps the family or family enterprises. The condition is that such enterprises should not involved any hazardous occupation. Another condition set forth is that they should work after school hours or during vacations. Moreover, exemption has also been given where the child works as an artist in an audio-visual entertainment industry, including advertisement, films, television serials or any such other entertainment or sports activities except the circus. This exemption is also conditional and stipulates taking up prescribed safety measures. By Adarsh Kumar Shakya

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