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Jan Lakshya Society has been providing leadership role in the field of environment and resource management since its inception. JLS has been engaged in environmental development activities with a philosophy of self-help and community participation. The projects and programmes undertaken by JLS move from local and national level strategies to suggesting global solutions on critical environment related issues. JLS has created widespread environmental and civic awareness by promoting community based environmental improvement efforts. The aim of the Society is to reach out to general masses with the messages and services, build-up grass-root movement, and influence need based policy formulation.

Due to rapid growth, population and economic development, India is facing new problems and because of uncontrolled organization and indrustriliationrapid expansion of agriculture ,de forestation and human Indian wild life is facing grave danger.
It is estimated that Indian population will inflate to 1.26 billion till 2016. So that India will become world’s most populated nation replacing china which will be become no. 2. India has only 2.4% of earth’s area and 18.1% world population tremendous pressure on indian natural resources.Water scarcity , soil erosion ,de-forestation ,air and water pollution in many area is causing problems.

There are many problems connected to water supply and cleanliness with environment related problems.
According to an estimate ,60% of arable land is suffering erosion ,water loging and salinity.It is also estimate that 4.4 to 12 billion tons soil is eroded from the upper surface of the land. Water availability per capita has be reduced to 1722 m2 in 2012 which is 60% less than the amount available in 1947.
Out of 3119 cities 207 have partially and only 7 have full sewage. In 115 cities…..sewage water and unburnt dead bodies are directly fed to river Ganga. The same water is used for drinking ,bathing and washing clothes in the downstream. Open defection is common in India also in urban area. About 50 crore people live in the embankments and waste of river Ganga. Accorded a holy by Hindu about 20,00,000 people regularly dip in Ganga due to religion beliefs. It’s very dangerous to bath in this river directly.
Indian cities are polluted due to vehicles and industries. Air pollution due to motor vehicles 33% and about 40% children in Bangalore suffer from asthmas. According to 2011 WHO,every year about 2-4 lakh people die due to this and that are directly related to air pollution. We themselves are responsible for polluting the environment and destroying it.

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Jan Lakshya Society, Main Head Office
Siddhartha nagar railway crossing ,

G.T. Road Bhongaon (205262)

Mainpuri U.P. India

Mobile No : +91 - 8588944031

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